Error in C3W2: tf_object_detection.ipynb

Hi all,

When running the tf2_object_detection.ipynb, I get an error message('module ‘numpy’ has no attribute ‘_no_nep50_warning’) on the following line:

from object_detection.utils import ops as utils_ops

Please see the error below:

Any fix or workaround would be much appreciated!

Hello @Dylan_Gouwentak

your above code is incorrect, so you have encountered this error

Based on the the below screenshot, you require another two codes and also you do not requires %matplotlib inline.


Dear DP,

This is not the graded lab, but rather the official tutorial from TF.
I tried to find solutions online but those were all specific to the problems of the OP’s.

Kind regards,

Can you share the link you are talking about, does this mean you are working on your personal colab ?

You could have added this part of description in your first comment while creating this new topic to avoid confusion.


Under C3W2: Object Detection APIs, there is an item ‘Use the Object Detection API’, which leads to the official tutorial from TF.

Hello @Dylan_Gouwentak

When you run the first cell of the colab notebook, it asks you to restart the kernel and then run again the first cell after you restart the kernel and then run further cells.

I just successfully run the cell you encountered the error.

Please try once, let me know if you are still encountering same issue.


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