Error in grading C3W1 Assignment

  • Grader Error: Grader feedback truncated

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If you added any code to the notebook to display a lot of data for debugging, try removing it.

Apparently the grader has a size limit on how large your notebook can be. It will not process your notebook if it is larger than expected.


The other point is that the grader does not need to see your generated output: it only needs to call your functions. So here’s an easy thing to try:

Kernel → Restart and Clear Output
Submit to grader

That minimizes the size to just the static code without any of the output. If that still fails with the same error message, then there is something seriously wrong with your notebook, meaning something structural.


But actually with epsilon more thought, the message seems to be complaining about the size of the grader’s output, not the size of the input. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that error before and am not sure what to make of it.


Issue is resolved now one thing I want to mention that keys in word_dict[word] should be put to ‘spam’ and ‘ham’ for the code and rest for values as mentioned in comment above for the the code to work now it is fixed issue resolved Thankyou team

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Interesting. So this was just bugs in your code that caused that grader error message. Were there any tests that failed in the notebook when you ran it before submitting to the grader? Thanks for sharing your results.

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I was tryin to get solution but either unit testing was not matching or throwing error although i was following instructions in first exercise get_word_frequency() was important because all later functions depend on it i tried to change the code see what works best that is why i guess i got error but i guess the only problem was that unit testing was done on spam and ham not 1 and 0 i got to know by the error in second exercise

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and yes there were many errors because of 1st exercise unit testing criteria not set properly or it was set but code was mentioning 1 and 0

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So the lesson here is that there is no point in submitting to the grader until you at least pass all the test cases in the notebook. Of course the next point is that just passing the tests in the notebook does not guarantee you will also pass the grader. It is a necessary, but not sufficient condition, as the mathematicians would say. :nerd_face:


Yes absolutely!

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