Week 4 C1W4_Assignment Create a VGG Network
Why is this happening>
All of my test is passed but i keep fail. Solution i’ve done:
- restarting and reconnecting my kernel
- updating my notebook
- reboot the server
- Making sure no code gone missing
- Redo my work
Is there anything else i can do to passed this test?
I would suspect there is some problem with your code; some cell, when run by the grader, is either running indefinitely or taking a lot of time. I would recheck the all solutions implementations again if I were you.
I’ve checked my solutions again and write the code from the start. but the issues persist, but i get different prompt/ feedback
Hmmm, I think because of this IOPub error, you might have a print statement somewhere that you place and is printing unnecessary data, overloading the grader!
only 2 print statement found on my code and it’s the print statement from the lab itself. But i also try to commented this line. but i still get the same result
At this point send me a copy of the notebook in private I will see if I can find any issues with it!
Can you see this comment in the optional part of the Notebook (last part):
# For reference only. Please do not uncomment in Coursera Labs because it might cause the grader to time out.
# You can upload your notebook to Colab instead if you want to try the code below.
Comment out all that exercise and try again because that optional part if run in coursera it overloads the system!
Thank you so much for the help. It fixed!
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