In the assigment “feature-engineering” in Week 2, I have this error, that it seems come from DeepLearning.AI, because it comes from a native function in the notebook:
“NameError: name ‘example_gen’ is not defined” in the cell number 6.
Thanks you so much Isaak !
You saved my life !!!
It works, but i find strange that i have to do this thing.
For me it’s supposed to work without adding something to the code.
But i have the same kind of issue with the assignment: “Data Pipeline Components for Production ML”
In the cell number 4, i have this: “NameError: name ‘StatisticsGen’ is not defined”
and “tfx.components” doesn’t work this time…
Hi , I am facing the same issue , and the above solution from @Isaak_Kamau solved my problem.
But is wierd that even after importing all the below components , we still get the problem
from tfx.components import CsvExampleGen
from tfx.components import ExampleValidator
from tfx.components import SchemaGen
from tfx.components import StatisticsGen
from tfx.components import Transform