Failed in a step in the second ungraded lab


I have been stuck on the seemingly simple mistake in the second ungraded lab. This is the cell that is causing me trouble.

resfg = tl.Serial(
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    # None,  #Fl    # x + F(x)
    # None,  #Gl    # x + F(x) + G(x + F(x)) etc
    # None,  #Fl
    # None,  #Gl
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    tl.Residual(), Fl,
    tl.Residual(), Gl, 

I totally understood why the results are incorrect, yet, I cannot find a solution to fix it. It would definitely be possible to fix it using tl.Selectand write it from scratch, but it seems that this is not the proposed approach.

In any case, this is the notebook. Any help is greatly appreciated.

C4_W4_Ungraded_Lab_2_Revnet.ipynb (30.1 KB)

Hi @R_Wang,

I have added the solutions in the notebook. When you’ll open the lab next, you’ll see an updated version of it.

Hope it helps you and rest of the learners,