Failed test case: train_val_generators has incorrect type. Expected: typing.Callable, but got: <class 'NoneType'>


I am getting incorrect error type in every assignment submission. And it is taking up more of my time than it should. I copy my assignment in the drive, because it does not save when open initially. Moreover, it’s hard to debug since my colab notebook is working just fine. However, if i open the notebook from the link given in the programming assignment and copy my code there, then is pass.

Could somebody please look into this?

Hello @Khushmeet_Singh

Welcome to our Community! Thanks for reaching out. We are here to help you.
DM me a copy of your notebook, and I’ll help you. Or can you give us more detail about the problem? You can take a screenshot of the message you received.

With Regards :hugs:,

Hi @adonaivera ,

This is the screenshot of the submission feedback.

Altough I have passed the assignment. But this is happening to me from last 2 assignments. I have DM’ed you the notebook as well

I am facing the same problem, what was the solution?

did your problem solve? or you need help?