Failign to change the Launch Template Version for the auto scaling g

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Changing the Auto Scaling Group to use the latest lauch template is not working. New template version got created, but when I change the Auto Scaling Group to use the latest version of the launch template version gives error “You are not authorized to use launch template: lt-0e0059190ee06b069”. I think either some instruction is missing or something not set up correctly. The grades getting failed due that

  • Module # Introduction to Data Engineering
    Week 3
    Graded Programming Assignment 2: Good Data Architecture
  • Link to the classroom item you are referring to:
  • Description (include relevant info but please do not post solution code or your entire notebook)
  • This instruction is not working:
  • 7.1.5. Go back to your Auto Scaling group and then to Details > Launch template > Edit. In the Version drop-down, now you can select the Latest option and click on button at the bottom of the page.

Hello @Brikesh_Kumar could you select t3.nano from the dropdown. This error happens if you select t2.nano instead. Thank you


Thanks @Georgios yes that was the issue.

@Brikesh_Kumar glad its fixed, you’re welcome

Never mind!! I see the request_url is not being used to make the call which appends the offset and limit. Its using default url everytime

This response was other question. Please ignore. Getting mixed up with the threads

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Thank you so much Georgios

I also got grading error even though I did the Launch steps successfully the first time. Re did a second time with all the auto scaling and shutdown and they restarted. still showing as incomplete. help!

nvermind. after taking some time to review and post here and going back. the test grading found the items correctly and graded correctly.
so if anything is running, grading will not work properly.

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Logged in to like this. This solved the issue for me.

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Glad it fixed the issue