FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/happy/'

Hi everyone,

I just run the code the assingment provides to me until the 2nd step at Google Colab and is receiving this error
“FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘./data/happy/’”

This is so confusing for me because the assignments says "Notice that all the images are contained within the “./data/” directory. This directory contains two subdirectories “happy/” and “sad/” and each image is saved under the subdirectory related to the class it belongs to. But when I checked my files folder, I see no “data” folder… I only have a “sample_data” folder in my “content” folder. Could anyone help me? Thank you!

Maybe there is no “data” folder because I’m accessing the assignment not through the “Do assingment” button in Couresa but because I changed the url of the first assignment?

This assignment can be run as is only from the coursera environment. This is because the data folder is present. Please copy the data directory to colab workspace and then try things out.
