From helper_functions import print_llm_response


Please, the following line of code is not working on my python.

from helper_functions import print_llm_response

How can I make it run as I am practicing with python 3.9.5.


Hi Idris, welcome to the community!

This thread is about “How to have helper_functions in Python”: How to have helper_functions in python.

I hope this solves your problem!

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Hi Idris,

If you are running in your computer, make sure you have helper_functions download in your project folder or current working folder. To download helper_functions from course, go to file → open → (in jupyter) open helper functions (by double clicking) → file → download (to your working folder). hope it helps.


Many thanks for your reply.

I have downloaded the file and placed it in the same folder with the practice files, but the following error message pop up after the running the code.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\My edX\AI for Python\”, line 1, in
from helper_functions import print_llm_response
File “D:\My edX\AI for Python\”, line 4, in
from openai import OpenAI
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘openai’

How can I resolve this?


Perhaps you are missing the openai package.

Please I need help on step by step process to resolve this. I want get this resolved before moving to the next course

Is the missing openai package a paid service?

Waiting for your prompt response.

Many thanks

I believe you can get the openai package from pypi, using pip.

Note that installing a DLAI course to run on your local platform is up to you. There are too many platforms and configurations for DLAI volunteers to give individual instructions.

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