Fwd prop in a single layer

In the given figure, A1 is the vector or 1D array with 3 features.

Q.1. Should not w2_1 array contains 3 elements instead of 2 (-7, 8)?
Q2. Can we write z1_1 like the following: Z1_1 = np.dot(w1_1,x)+ b1_1

Hey @Devinderkaur,
Welcome to the community.

Yes, indeed w2_1 should contain 3 different features. This has been reported to the team and the team is working on fixing this.

In fact, you have to write it like this only, since b hasn’t been defined anywhere in the lecture video. This has also been reported to the team and the team is working on fixing this. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Thanks a lot for clearing my doubts.

Kaur. D