Generating 3D models for buildings

Can someone give me an overview for this project cause m new in generative AI , i just wanna know if m gonna use GANs or LLMs or both and some steps to follow !

Can you give a detailed description of your project?

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I need to develop a model that can take as input coordinates(coordination for the building, as how many doors, floors…) that describes the wished building , and the model needs to generate the building in 3D based on the input data given by the user

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Do you just want an image of the building, or do you want detailed a detailed 3D model such as could be used for construction planning?

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an 3D image , a global view that described the building based on an input text

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Try an internet search for “ai for 3d building modeling”

You will find several interesting hits.


okey , thank you

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