Getting Started!

Welcome to the DeepLearning.AI Forum!

Hold onto your neurons, newcomers! You’ve just landed in the DeepLearning.AI community Forum, a land where artificial intelligence dances with human ingenuity.

  • Be sure to introduce yourself to the community to meet new people.

  • Explore the “All Categories” section to get familiar with everything our forum has to offer.

  • For safety reasons, we temporarily limit what new users can do. You’ll gain new trust levels (and badges) as we get to know you.

  • We believe in civilized community behavior at all times. Please make sure to take a look through our FAQ and Code of Conduct to familiarize yourself with everything you need to know about engaging with other community members.

  • Create your first post! Whether it’s an project that you are working on to get feedback, AI discussion, or technical questions, and learn what your peers are also building put out what you’re most interested in!

If you’d like to learn more on how to use our forum, go to FAQ.