Graded Assignment not connecting to sql server

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I am not sure what why I am not connecting to the MSQL server. I am not really getting any errors. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Here are my attempts to correct it. I even asked my friend Chat to diagnose this. Very confused.

Hello @skalicin
Please, copy the commands without the ``` characters and the bash keyword. For instance, you have entered

``` bash
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier <MySQL-DB-name> --output text --query "DBInstances[].Endpoint.Address"

as your command, while the correct command is

aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier <MySQL-DB-name> --output text --query "DBInstances[].Endpoint.Address"

I guess the problem is that you are viewing the in its raw form. Please, take note of this step in the Vocareum instructions.

Thank for the response. It is still not working. I have been playing around with all combination and in Preview mode.

Hello @skalicin
You are running the command mysql --host=de-c1w2-rds --user=admin--password=adminpwrd --port=3306, which is not right. You should first run aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier de-c1w2-rds --output text --query "DBInstances[].Endpoint.Address" as an standalone command to get the MySQL host, then replace the value in the host parameter for the mysql command.