Grading failed because "Platform Error: We're experiencing some technical difficulties", C1_W2_Linear_Regression

I cannot pass my lab C1_W2_Linear_Regression because of an error: “Platform Error: We’re experiencing some technical difficulties”.

I tried rebooting, updating version, change to a new window, double submitting in the old window, waiting… I did not click on Please click here if you want to experiment with any of the non-graded code.

Anyone solved this?

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i should mention, i passed all the test cases. It also says “Autosave Failed!”, so i guess it could have sth to do with saving? Not sure.

Hey Ursina, I got the same issue too! I think there is something up with the Coursera servers cuz my code passed all the tests.

I am also having this issue. I guess I’ll try again tomorrow.

I’m also having this issue, but for the second course in the specialization.

This issue has been reported to DLAI staff.

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I am also facing the same issue. I have applied through the Coursera help centre.

Glad to know it’s not just me. I’m getting this for literally the last assignment of the last course (Transformers) - soooooo close!! I’ve also reached out to Coursera on the issue.

I have the same issue.

Good to know.

I also have the same issue.

As does everyone.

I also have the same issue. When do you think it will be resolved?

I have no idea.

i am also having this issue. i have tried some times.

Yeah me too. Tomorrow my course subscription ends and I am facing this issue on my last assignment of the course.

Hey guys good news!! I guess I solved this. Check at the bottom of the assignment page if you have created an empty cell or cells. If yes then delete it and then submit the assignment. It worked in my case , I hope it works in yours too.

The issue is fixed for me too. Haven’t had to do any adjustments, just resubmitted the assignment.

Generally you are correct - adding cells is a bad idea.
But in this specific situation, the grader itself was broken - not your code.

Worked for me now today. Thanks!