"Grading failed" when submitting the assignment


There is an issue regarding the submission of course assignment in Coursera for the second week of “Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces” course. Although all my functions pass, I get a “failed grading” message upon submission. I checked the discussion forum and it seems this has happened for many students but there seems to be no answers to fix it. I contacted Coursera help desk as well. And, the deadline for submission is within 36 minutes! Anybody had the same issue and fixed it?

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Don’t worry about the deadlines: they are meaningless in the sense that there is no penalty for missing them. This is documented under “Course Info” on the left menu panel.

Can you show us the actual error you get from the grader? Under the link “Show grader output” on the “My Submission” tab.

Generally speaking, this probably means that there is some portion of the notebook that the grader uses that has been accidentally damaged or corrupted. One thing to try is to get a clean copy of the notebook and then carefully “copy/paste” over just your completed code in the “YOUR CODE HERE” segments. Here’s a thread about how to get a clean copy.