We can get the hash value from multiple planes in the locality with the formula as below:-
single hash value = (2^0 * h1 + 2^1 * h2 + 2^3 * h3 …) but doesn’t this raise a question about the order of such multiple planes given as input. If we consider P1, P2, P3 planes, we get h1, h2 and h3 as locality hash values, then we have the single resultant hash value as given in the above equation.
But if we consider the sequence as P3, P1, P2, then we have h3, h1, and h2 and the single resultant hash value could be (2^0 * h3 + 2^1 * h1 + 2^3 * h2 …) which may or may not end-up as the same.