I’ve spent a lot of time on this, but I’m still unable to get the expected output. I would appreciate any help/explanation of the code. Please see my code below. I’m pretty sure I made a lot of mistakes.
def get_sub_volume(image, label,
orig_x = 240, orig_y = 240, orig_z = 155,
output_x = 160, output_y = 160, output_z = 16,
num_classes = 4, max_tries = 1000,
Extract random sub-volume from original images.
image (np.array): original image,
of shape (orig_x, orig_y, orig_z, num_channels)
label (np.array): original label.
labels coded using discrete values rather than
a separate dimension,
so this is of shape (orig_x, orig_y, orig_z)
orig_x (int): x_dim of input image
orig_y (int): y_dim of input image
orig_z (int): z_dim of input image
output_x (int): desired x_dim of output
output_y (int): desired y_dim of output
output_z (int): desired z_dim of output
num_classes (int): number of class labels
max_tries (int): maximum trials to do when sampling
background_threshold (float): limit on the fraction
of the sample which can be the background
X (np.array): sample of original image of dimension
(num_channels, output_x, output_y, output_z)
y (np.array): labels which correspond to X, of dimension
(num_classes, output_x, output_y, output_z)
# Initialize features and labels with `None`
X = image
y = label
### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) ###
tries = 0
while tries < max_tries:
# randomly sample sub-volume by sampling the corner voxel
# hint: make sure to leave enough room for the output dimensions!
start_x = 240
start_y = 240
start_z = 240
# extract relevant area of label
y = label[start_x: start_x + output_x,
start_y: start_y + output_y,
start_z: start_z + output_z]
# One-hot encode the categories.
# This adds a 4th dimension, 'num_classes'
# (output_x, output_y, output_z, num_classes)
y = keras.utils.to_categorical(np.random.randint(0, 4, (240, 240, 155)), num_classes=4)
# compute the background ratio
bgrd_ratio = np.count_nonzero(np.random.randint(0, 4, (240, 240, 155)) == 0) / len(np.random.randint(0, 4, (240, 240, 155)))
# increment tries counter
tries += 1
# if background ratio is below the desired threshold,
# use that sub-volume.
# otherwise continue the loop and try another random sub-volume
if bgrd_ratio < background_threshold:
# make copy of the sub-volume
X = np.copy(image[start_x: start_x + output_x,
start_y: start_y + output_y,
start_z: start_z + output_z, :])
# change dimension of X
# from (x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_channels)
# to (num_channels, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
X = (3, 240, 240, 155)
# change dimension of y
# from (x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_classes)
# to (num_classes, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim)
y = (155, 240, 240)
# take a subset of y that excludes the background class
# in the 'num_classes' dimension
y = y[1:, :, :, :]
return X, y
# if we've tried max_tries number of samples
# Give up in order to avoid looping forever.
print(f"Tried {tries} times to find a sub-volume. Giving up...")