Hi! I’ve just completed the Week 3 Quiz of Course 2 and I have a doubt about the sampling technique that we could use to select our net hyperparameters.
If we would want to sample a hyperparameter from 0.9 to 0.99 why shouldn’t we use a formula like this:
[Edited to remove the formulas]
And instead use this:
[Edited to remove the formulas]
(where r is a uniform random number between 0 and 1)
I’ve calculated some examples of both and although they are not identical they output quite similar results so I don’t understand why one formula is better than the other.
Some results I’ve calculated:
* r = 0: 0.9 0.9
* r = 0.1: 0.909 0.92
* r = 0.5: 0.945 0.968
* r = 0.7: 0.963 0.98
* r = 1: 0.99 0.99
Any help to clarify this? Thanks!