As I understand sometimes the word in input sentence can be represented after tokenization as a few digits. But I have fixed quantity of labels, which was depended from spaces between words. So, we can have different shapes of tokenized sentences and labels before padding. But as I understand correct there can be not good uncertainties after padding. Like padding label ([PAD]) that will match to the word, that labels was defined by human.
So, should I think about this at all?
Also, I would like to know, how to prevent shapes mismatches. For example I use func, validation_data=val_sentences_tags_zipped.padded_batch(64), epochs=3)
And I have an error after 2000 training steps like:
InvalidArgumentError: Graph execution error:
Node: 'Equal'
required broadcastable shapes
[[{{node Equal}}]] [Op:__inference_train_function_900677]
Should it be something like one of anomalies detection mechanisms?