I am getting an OSerror for downloading langchain in python terminal

Installing collected packages: packaging, orjson, mypy-extensions, multidict, jsonpatch, greenlet, frozenlist, annotated-types, yarl, typing-inspect, SQLAlchemy, pydantic, marshmallow, aiosignal, langsmith, dataclasses-json, aiohttp, langchain-core, langchain-text-splitters, langchain-community, langchain
Attempting uninstall: packaging
Found existing installation: packaging 20.9
Uninstalling packaging-20.9:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: Cannot move the non-empty directory ‘/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/packaging-20.9.dist-info/’: Lacking write permission to ‘/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/packaging-20.9.dist-info/’.

from what I learnt after digging the web world that I would require to create a sudo directory, can someone suggest me on this OSError.

Thank you in advance


Please don’t use pip install at the system level and corrupt the global python installation. Use venv to isolate project environments.

you mean virtual environment right?

I tried the sudo pip install too

Within a virtual environment, there should be no need for sudo. What’s your pip install command?

Hi @balaji.ambresh
Sorry for late response and thank you for replying on my query.

I was able to download langchain in the virtual environment by creating

source .venv/bin/activate

Thank you for guiding me in the right direction.

But I have other issues to be discussed.

I created RAG application using the llama3,

what I wanted to know while doing so some of recalled codes were unable to take the recalled codes in the next cell as I was running the virtual environment and it said the recalled function need to be saved globally.

I addressed this issue my making some changes in my code.

But what I wanted to know what should one do if we are using a virtual environment to create RAG app, and the functions wants to be located globally what would one need to do to address this issue?

Thank you In advance!!


Assuming that you’re referring to a command that should exist outside of the current file, use python -m <module_name> to invoke that module just the way venv was invoked to create a virtual environment.

In the Jupyter notebook environment right? but I was not asking about module, but function recall code giving this issue.

I don’t understand what you mean by function recall code. If this is not about a graded assignment, please send me a direct message with your notebook and the relevant details.