I want to know the inner units of RNN

Prof. Andrew Ng nicely explained the RNN in week-1 of “Sequence Models”. Professor used below picture (Figure A) while in explaining simple RNN (Vanilla RNN).

After finishing week-1 lecturers, I became more interested in understanding how those internal units of RNN are connected (represented by 4 circles inside a square box in the image, and I know that it is just for representation)

After searching online, I found below diagram (Figure B) of RNN. Do you all think, the below picture accurately represents the “internal connections” within RNN?

Please share some material if you have on this topic!

An RNN layer is shared across all timesteps. If this is still unclear, please code course 5 week 1 assignment 1 where you’ll implement an RNN from scratch.

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@balaji.ambresh Thank you. I did complete 1st week assignment today.
I just want to visualize how would inner layer of RNN are connected. Is below picture depicts it correctly?


Sorry but I don’t understand the diagrams. Could you please explain what the figures mean?

If you see this diagram,


We do not know how those inner units are connected. I trying to visualize them.

Because, If I have n_a units in hidden layer, then Waa is n_a x n_a. I am just trying to visualize this.

The assignment does show inner workings of an RNN cell. The hidden state is shared across all timesteps of the input.

Please read these links:

  1. SimpleRNN
  2. RNN keeping the cell parameter in mind and trying to understand that this is just a wrapper around the RNN cell instance.