I'm the founder at mastercourse.ai, here to upskill myself so I can speak intelligently to my engineers!

Hello all from Austin! My name is Krystal Khali, I’m taking the machine learning Stanford specialization. I have a business background and am not an engineer, here to upskill myself and learn the basics surrounding machine learning so that I can be a better CEO and have a deeper understanding of the product. I am hoping to find engineers and others interested in the project. If you are interested in joining a startup with massive potential and the ability to disrupt online learning, drop me a note and let’s chat! You can contact me at krystalkhali@gmail.com :slight_smile: Thanks Andrew Ng for developing this platform!

Welcome to the forum. Please share the web address of mastercourse.ai.

for now it is linktr.ee/mastercourse.ai. We have secured mastercourse.ai but for now just have a landing page. We are in infant stages. Thanks and nice to meet you!

Would like to follow your development in your startup endeavour