In Quiz, Q7 about upsampling of an image the right answer is not excepted

The question is " You have an image of dimensions 48 x 48, and you want to upscale it to 240 x 240 using the built-in TensorFlow layer-type which is used to perform such a task (mentioned in Question 6). What will you pass in as size=____?"

According to the API of the function that upsamples images, size means the ratio of the new image to the old image. I gave the answer as a number. However, it is marked as incorrect.

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Can you try an answer as a tuple I think it might need it as a tuple!

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@gent.spah Yes, you’re right! Although the API allows both an int and a tuple for the size argument, the question specifically asks for a tuple.

Silly of me that I did not understand it myself last night. Thank you!


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