Issue in Jupyter note book non-graded cells in this notebook(Practice Lab: Linear Regression)

The name of function is incorrect in below part in notebook

# Public tests
from public_tests import *

function has to be compute_cost_test but it is compute_cost_testest. I tried to correct it but it non editable cell. I am getting error again and again. can anyone please help me

Hmm. I tried getting the latest version of this file and it doesn’t have this typo, so possibly you happened to get your copy at just the wrong time, and the problem has now been fixed.
You could try getting the latest copy of the assignment, but probably easiest would be to just make the cell editable and fix the typo. To make the cell editable, put your cursor in the cell and:

  • Choose “Cell toolbar/Edit metadata” from the View menu
  • Then click the “Edit metadata” button in the cell and change “editable” to true