I have followed all the requirements but can’t seem to get it right with the “sentences”. Please find attached my “parse_data_from_file” function, the output and the expected output. Can you please help me figure out where is the issue here?!
There’s nothing wrong with your approach. From the perspective of this assignment, please remove stop words from the entire row entry of the csv file. Don’t split sentence using comma or (semi)-colon or period or other such characters before removing stop words and adding to the sentences list.
The requirement for parse_data_from_file is not well-defined.
I had a hard time passing the function test although I noticed that it has to be processed one row at a time. After reading your post about punctuation, I was able to modify my function.
I wish it had been written.
Please go ahead and reply with the confusing part(s) and what you need to change to understand the assignment better. I’ll notify staff about your feedback.