Jupyter Notebooks Code Errors

Each link there is for a different subject, so going through one won’t save your time for going through another.

The only choice you can make is, after clicking into A.2.1, which tutorial to start with? Use a random number generator to pick one for you. The reasons are

  • you won’t know everything from any one of those tutorials

  • any one of those tutorials can bring you a huge amount of things if you have no Python experience.

  • if you already have Python experience, you won’t spend even an hour to go through any one of them. Since you have experience in Java, I guess you know what I mean.

  • lastly, if you are not going to go through it in details and practice, why even bother to pick one? Perhaps you can save that post in your inventory. :wink:


This is a question for yourself or for your company.

  • Where is your interest?
  • What problem does your company most desperately need to solve?
  • What direction your country’s innovation policy is driving towards?

I am not surprised if you don’t expect for a general answer that fits for every country, every company and every person :wink: I suggest you to ask yourself, your colleagues, your friends who pay attention to trends and development, or your boss. I suggest you to ask what problem is needed to be solved, instead of which specific part of ML is in demand. ML is a toolbox. A toolbox is meant to be for all situations. A toolbox with a lot of missing tools isn’t desired.

Nobody should keep it forever. Besides the MLS, you may also want to take a look at the Deep Learning Specialization. MLS covers only the basics and not very much in depth, but DLS will give you more ideas on the how-to.
