L4 Multi Agent Crew AI

I am getting the an error message in Lab 4 when executing the program in Google Colab:

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)

in <cell line: 8>()

6 “milestone”: “product launch”

7 }

----> 8 result = crew.kickoff(inputs=inputs)

9 print(crew.usage_metrics)

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/crewai/crew.py in kickoff(self, inputs)

264 ]

265 self.usage_metrics = {

→ 266 key: sum([m[key] for m in metrics if m is not None]) for key in metrics[0]

267 }


IndexError: list index out of range

And this is what I typed:

inputs = {
“lead_name”: “DeepLearningAI”,
“industry”: “Online Learning Platform”,
“key_decision_maker”: “Andrew Ng”,
“position”: “CEO”,
“milestone”: “product launch”
result = crew.kickoff(inputs=inputs)

check crew.py file as your codes throw error with crew.kickoff

basically it is stating metric product launch is probably not one of the metrics in a list range. So it is more kind of feature metric rather than a list.


Where is the crew.py file? I can’t locate it?


I hope you did download all the files which comes with assignment codes

I did, I check everywhere, I don’t see anywhere. Could you send me as attachment this file?



I went to Github to download the file. I will run the code again. Hopefully It will work.
Thank you

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L4_tools_customer_outreach - My version.ipynb - Colab.pdf (205.8 KB)

I am still struggling with the same error message. I have attached the codes from my google colab. The output of the last code cell and the error message show on the page 6 . Could you assist please? Thank you in advance