Thanks for replying Diala, I already attached screenshots for the code, it is exactly the same code as the one in the lecture. There is no error, however calling the LLM via Langchain returns nothing and on the other hand, as you can see in the second picture, calling the LLM directly returns the desired result
Experiencing same issue as @haydara009 . I also was able to get the desired result by importing openai and then calling LLM directly via openai.ChatCompletion.create and passing appropriate response element to display function. When running on my own local system notebook the lesson code “timed out” and no results were displayed. When running the code in the notebook embedded in the page received 504 response error. Edit: I am in rural Maryland with decent residential broadband service.
Hi Eric, It’s sad that none of the instructors are addressing this issue and it’s in the heart of this course, the library is called langCHAIN and the whole point is to be able to use the CHAINs lol. I contacted community members and also have the same issue. If you found a solution for this kindly share with us @funkyspec
Hello @haydara009 and @funkyspec, this is probably caused by the frequent updates in LangChain and an API change. I sent this to our engineering team. I will send you a follow up when this is fixed. Thank you for noticing this error.