Lab 1 Problem on Creation of S3 Bucket for Amazon Athena Query Results

I am having problem on creating of S3 Bucket for Amazon Athena Query Results. I have done this lab 1 two times by following every steps in the video.Still I am not able to get more than 70 points because of this problem. Could any of you please help by telling me how to solve this issue?

Thank you @paryal2 for reporting this issue! After running the glue job, did you make sure to run the cells in the jupyter notebook?

Thank you. The problem was that I did not run the file. The problem is solved thank you!

The Jupyter notebook won’t load the kernel for whatever reason in this lab.

Hi @randomforster , would you be able to share a screenshot of what you see so we can help troubleshoot this?

Test 4 failed: Expected S3 bucket for Amazon Athena Query Results to be created. Please try again. For some reason I cannot get to run C1_W2_Dashboard.ipynb file. Did some manipulations but still showing as attached

I have even converted to .py file and once run the following error raise NoRegionError()
botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError: You must specify a region. I saw the previous topic and most likely the solution is in running the .ipynb file. But how?

Hello @amiguel you need to use the link from the source output to access this notebook, it shows how in Vocarerum step 7. Afterwards you can run the queries in this lab environment. Thanks

Not sure a screenshot would provide much context. I loaded the url for the Jupyter notebook after running the instructions in Cloud9 and then none of the cells from that file would run. I attempted to restart the kernel, but nothing seemed to get it to connect or run the code. My lab timed out so I’ll attempt to rerun again this week and see if that fixes this issue

Sorry that you experienced some issues with the Jupyter notebook part of the lab. Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce that problem. Please re-try the lab and let us know if you are still running into this issue.