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- Description (include relevant info but please do not post solution code or your entire notebook): This example has been used a few times already in the course.
It’s a 3 layer NN in which the first layer has 25 units, and the second has 15. The first times they are addressed, I don’t think we saw the data that was associated, but it was a useful example to demonstrate different levels of complexity with NNs.
But now that I’m on the Practice Lab for Week 1 of Course 2, I’m seeing the same NN shape this time for a specific use case: determining whether an image is a handwritten 1 or 0. What is it about this use case or data that would dictate that the first layer should have 25 units and the second layer 15 units. Is that arbitrary? Is that a complicated thing that we’ll learn later?
This seems to be one of the few bits of configuration that we need to pass to TF. It seems important for me to know how to determine what values to pass (or even how many layers to configure for that matter). If there was an explanation, I missed it.