Lab set up issues

hey guys, i’m having trouble running ‘source scripts/’ to set up the lab environment. i’m constantly gettin the following error messages:

: invalid option
set: usage: set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [–] [arg …]

’ doesn’t match a supported format.
bash: $‘\r’: command not found

’ doesn’t match a supported format.

’ doesn’t match a supported format.

’ doesn’t match a supported format.

:slight_smile: && ends_with(Name, data-lake)].Name: Bad jmespath expression: Bad token de-c4w4a1
) && ends_with(Name, data-lake`)].Name

’ doesn’t match a supported format.

’ doesn’t match a supported format.
bash: '\r': command not found bash: ‘\r’: command not found

’ doesn’t match a supported format.
: No such file or directory/project/scripts
bash: $‘\r’: command not found
Setup completed successfully. All environment variables and Terraform backend configurations have been set.

even tho, it says ‘Setup completed successfully’ at the end, i’m unable to open the aws environment and continue with the lab’s tasks.

has anyone ran into similar issue? appreciate any assistance on this!

Hello @evandrocardozo,

There could be some errors in the lab settings when running source scripts/ A similar issue reported in this post of the same course. Can you confirm you are in capstone 1 lab so I can report it since I am unable to try and reproduce it in the coursera interface right now. Thank you

thanks for your reply. yes, the issue is happening in capstone 1

Thanks I reported it @evandrocardozo, there was a similar error with in another lab and I hope it resolved soon. Thank you

Hi, I have been suffering the same issue with same error messages.

Hello @LeoLoveAI,

Sorry for the inconvenience, it seems there are errors in the lab settings. If you run InvalidClientTokenId sed -i 's/\r$//' scripts/ you get InvalidClientTokenId and AuthFailure errors. I had a similar issue with another lab previously and @hawraa.salami can help resolve this. Hope it helps:

Thank you @Georgios !

@evandrocardozo @LeoLoveAI The setup file should be now fixed. Could you please try again and let me know if you still have any issues?

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still getting the error messages.

it seems like it is an access authorization issue with aws environment that need some fix

@evandrocardozo Could you please share your lab id (you can send it to me as a message)? And could you please run this command:
cat /home/coder/vocapi_logger > vocapi_logger
in the terminal and send me the returned text as a message to me?

I only fixed the issues with the script formatting.


it seems the allocated time exceeded again. Though that after 3 hrs the lab environment would reset the aws settings automatically. but im unable to setup lab with source scripts/ again. Can someone from staff reset configuration again?

i need help with the lab setup for the aws environment again. my subscription ends tomorrow and i need to finish capstone 1 and 2 to get the certificate.

Hello @evandrocardozo,

Sorry for the inconvenience but if your issue continues only a staff @hawraa.salami can help. Since the lab settings reset after 3 hours I can only suggest to fill the form but that could take more than two business days. If you are restricted to finish it by tomorrow you could reach out Coursera support. Thanks

Hi Georgios,

I’m experiencing the same issue. I tried accessing the lab on Friday, Saturday, and today, but I still cannot get in. Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

Programming Assignment: Assignment 4: Capstone Project Part 1 - ETL and Data Modeling

Lad id: utnjfvsdacuv


Hello @LeoEstrada,

Sorry for the inconvenience, if you are facing the issue with source scripts/ it was reported by @evandrocardozo, @joaco368 and @LeoLoveAI but it seems the issue persists. Could there be anything to help since the issue continues @hawraa.salami. Thank you

Hi everyone - The issues with the file formatting of (carriage return: bash: $‘\r’: command not found) should be already fixed.

If you’re getting other issues such as (An error occurred when calling the … operation: Authorization header are not formatted correctly), this means that the AWS resources were not created for the lab. And this might be due to a problem in the AWS account. And for that, we appreciate if you fill out this form


I just filled out the form, but unfortunately, I’m still experiencing this issue since last Friday. It appears that I’ve exceeded the lab usage limit:

“Your total lab usage time of 1801 minutes has exceeded the total allocated time of 1800 minutes.”

I’d appreciate any assistance in resolving this as soon as possible. Please let me know if there’s anything else I need to do on my end.

Thank you for your help!

vocapi logger
Run count initialized to 0
.aws directory and aws_console_url file are created
Running the vocapi_call at Tue Feb 11 12:54:48 PM UTC 2025
Using LAB_SPACE_ID: utnjfvsdacuv
START_LAB_DATA received: {‘lab_data’: {‘partid’: ‘3581690’, ‘assignmentid’: ‘3581689’, ‘courseid’: ‘62825’}}
Unsuccessful vocapi call to start lab
Error: Failed operation: Start. Your total lab usage time of 1801 minutes has exceeded the total allocated time of 1800 minutes
Initial Lab state: Terminated
Final Lab state after loop: Terminated
AWS Console URL extracted:
AWS credentials file created at /home/coder/.aws/credentials
AWS config file created at /home/coder/.aws/config
Running the vocapi_call_get_aws_console_url at Tue Feb 11 12:54:52 PM UTC 2025
Current run count: 0
Using LAB_SPACE_ID: utnjfvsdacuv
START_LAB_DATA received: {‘lab_data’: {‘partid’: ‘3581690’, ‘assignmentid’: ‘3581689’, ‘courseid’: ‘62825’}}

vocapi response status: success
Extracted AWS Console URL
AWS Console URL written to /home/coder/.aws/aws_console_url
Run count incremented to: 1
Run count written to /home/coder/vocapi_call_run_count
Starting the 2-hour wait at Tue Feb 11 12:54:55 PM UTC 2025
Starting the vocapi_call_wrapper at Tue Feb 11 12:54:55 PM UTC 2025
Iteration 1 of 8 started at Tue Feb 11 12:54:55 PM UTC 2025
Sleeping for 900 seconds before next iteration…

Hello @LeoEstrada,

If you filled the form you should wait for 2 days for a lab refresh. That should work with the exceeded time allocated. Hope it helps

It does, thank you.

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@LeoEstrada You can try again the lab.