Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science Week `4 programming assisment problem

I have doubts about the programming assignment for week 4. Despite, I am providing it correct matrix about the reflection y-axis. Test results are not passed. Can someone look into it.

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Hi, Aman.

You posted this under “General Discussion”. Are you asking about something in the M4ML specialization? You’ll have better luck getting the attention of the M4ML mentors if you post it in the appropriate category. You can just move this thread by using the little “edit pencil” on the title.

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It should come under Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science new course, however, I am unable to find this course under the category

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You’re right: I can’t find that either. Which Specialization is it part of? I can’t find it under M4ML or PDS or by searching “linear algebra”.

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I can find the course here and it looks like it is part of M4ML. Looks like they need to update the Discourse categories to include it.

For the moment, I moved it to M4ML Resources. Maybe that’ll be more likely to get the attention of the M4ML mentors and staff.


You are very helpful, paulinpaloalto

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@paulinpaloalto Can you ask someone to look into this.

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Actually things are ok: the problem is just that they call the Discourse categories M4ML Course 1, Course 2 and Course 3. If you look at the titles of the courses on the overall Specialization Page here, you find that Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and DS is just M4ML Course 1. So the categories are there, but they don’t include that name. Sorry, so the real problem was that I just don’t know the M4ML specialization. Yet anyway, I’m hoping to have time to take it myself sometime soon.

I moved this thread for you.

Here’s a screenshot showing the names of the courses.

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Thank you so much @paulinpaloalto. You are so considerate.

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Someone, please look into this.

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If you mean your actual original question (as opposed to the Discourse category names), it might help to show more about what you mean. What is your result and what is the error output that you get? Just saying in effect “I have a problem, please look into it” is not useful. Please realize that your fellow students (which includes the mentors) cannot directly see any of your notebooks.

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Hi @Aman_Srii , the A_reflection_yaxis matrix is the transformation matrix but not the final result after reflecting A matrix.

In other words, your input should be a matrix when being multiplied with a vector will transform that vector in to a reflection of it via y axis.

I made the same mistake while trying to find reflection for A matrix ([2,3],[2,1])


Hey guys, I fell into the same trap. I’m sorry but I believe that the way it is stated in the problem it does lead to this misinterpretation.
I would advise to review the sentence of the problem in the exercise to avoid misinterpretation.

Thanks anyway for the clarification in this thread. I solved the issue in less than 10 s.


Man… I don’t remember studying the reflection matrix in this course…

Anyways, it was actually an interpreation issue on my side as well. Thanks, my dude!

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Thank you for sharing this. By the sentence and even the name of the variable, I thought it to be the result of transformed matrix.

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