Llama3.2-11B-Vision-Instruct does not remember the context when using with agents and sessions

Here is the detailed description of the problem.

  • When i send the single text prompt it works fine.
  • When i send the follow up text prompt it remember the context and answer it, so it works fine.
  • Same thing follows for text again and again.
  • When i send the image with text prompt it works fine and answer it.
  • When i send the text after sending (image with text) it forget’s the context and says i don’t remember any image which you have sent.

Does anyone have faced similar issue? or any solution to this problem?

import warnings

from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import asyncio
import requests
import base64
from typing import Optional
from llama_stack_client import LlamaStackClient
from llama_stack_client.types import UserMessage
from llama_stack_client.types.agent_create_params import AgentConfig
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load environment variables
_ = load_dotenv()

# Constants
LLAMA_STACK_API_TOGETHER_URL = "https://llama-stack.together.ai"
LLAMA32_11B_INSTRUCT = "Llama3.2-11B-Vision-Instruct"

def display_image(path):
    img = Image.open(path)

# Encode image from file path to base64
def encode_image_path(image_path: str) -> str:
    with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file:
        return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode("utf-8")

def encode_image(image_url: str) -> str:
    response = requests.get(image_url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return base64.b64encode(response.content).decode('utf-8')
        raise Exception(f"Failed to retrieve image. Status code: {response.status_code}")

# Agent class to handle creating and managing agents
class Agent:
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = LlamaStackClient(base_url=LLAMA_STACK_API_TOGETHER_URL)
        self.max_retries = 3  # Define maximum retries

    def create_agent(self, agent_config: AgentConfig):
        agent = self.client.agents.create(agent_config=agent_config)
        self.agent_id = agent.agent_id
        session = self.client.agents.sessions.create(
        self.session_id = session.session_id

    async def execute_turn_with_image_path(self, content: str, image_path: str):
        base64_image = encode_image_path(image_path)

        messages = [{
            "role": "user",
            "content": [
                "image": {
                  "uri": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}"

        await self._execute_image_turn(messages)

    async def execute_turn_text_only(self, content: str):
        messages = [UserMessage(content=content, role="user")]
        await self._execute_turn(messages)

    async def _execute_image_turn(self, messages):
        retries = 0
        success = False

        while retries < self.max_retries and not success:
                response = self.client.agents.turns.create(

                for chunk in response:
                    if chunk and chunk.event and chunk.event.payload:
                        if chunk.event.payload.event_type == "turn_complete":
                            success = True
                        print("Warning: Received an incomplete response chunk.")
                        retries += 1

            except Exception as e:
                print("Error during turn execution:", e)
                retries += 1

        if not success:
            print("Failed to complete the query after multiple retries.")

    async def _execute_turn(self, messages):
        retries = 0
        success = False

        while retries < self.max_retries and not success:
                response = self.client.agents.turns.create(

                for chunk in response:
                    if chunk and chunk.event and chunk.event.payload:
                        if chunk.event.payload.event_type == "turn_complete":
                            success = True
                        print("Warning: Received an incomplete response chunk.")
                        retries += 1

            except Exception as e:
                print("Error during turn execution:", e)
                retries += 1

        if not success:
            print("Failed to complete the query after multiple retries.")

    def close_session(self):
        print("Session closed.")

# Main function to run queries within the same session
async def run_main():
    agent_config = AgentConfig(
        instructions="You are a helpful assistant",

    agent = Agent()

    while True:
        prompt = input("Enter your query (or type 'exit' to quit): ")
        if prompt.lower() == 'exit':
            print("Session ended.")
        # If the prompt includes an "image:" keyword, expect the local image path as input
        if "image:" in prompt.lower():
            query_text, image_path = prompt.split("image:", 1)
            query_text = query_text.strip()  
            image_path = image_path.strip()    

            await agent.execute_turn_with_image_path(content=query_text, image_path=image_path)
                await agent.execute_turn_text_only(content=prompt)
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error during text-only query:", e)

# Example usage: to run text-based and image-based queries
if __name__ == "__main__":
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error occurred: {e}")


Is the part of the code shared by you is from course??

Also can you share screenshot of the results you explained especially where you fed image and then prompt the text for reply and got no images found?

Also if you have used the codes from the short course you have selected, then mention which lesson assignment you referred from the short course.


Hello @Deepti_Prasad

Is the part of the code shared by you is from course??

  • No but it’s inspired from the course.

Also can you share screenshot of the results you explained especially where you fed image and then prompt the text for reply and got no images found?

  • Please find the image in attachment.

Also if you have used the codes from the short course you have selected, then mention which lesson assignment you referred from the short course.

  • Code from which i took inspiration is last chapter llama stack, agents.

Best Greets

Hello @Deepti_Prasad

Hope this message finds you well,

Do we have any update on above concerns?

Best Greets

this is probably because your codes is implemented in a way to remember iterative steps and forget or do not pass the previous step where you first send image and then text.

you need to rather implement code in conjoint way of image and text context being able to read in any format it comes.

because your code implementation is mentioned clearly content=query_path or else content=prompt, it is taking considering the image path prompt

The problem with the system is it remembers the conversation when we are using the text prompts only, when we use the code from the last session from the course(Agent and Sessions - That’s the application of it. ),

but when we expect it to work similarly with image it doesn’t work. it doesn’t remember the past conversation even when we multiple time share the same image.

You can refer to the image attached. it seems like there is problem with agents or session not with the code. please correct me if i’m wrong.

if that’s the case then create your own custom agents where this text to image or image to text shouldn’t be issue. as far as I saw the codes you shared. it clearly mentions image and content together but the except tells content=prompt.

So if this prompt is related to the agent and sessions as per you stating, you writing codes in any way won’t change anything as you are using the agents to do your task.

So the prompts in the agents needs to customized and trained in way to read the text and image and merge the information when giving an output, rather forgetting it.

I suppose agent or llms are created in this way to forget the previous step, based on to focus the prompt given step-wise and not in combination.