Please give me a comparison between local minimum and local minima.
week 1
Please give me a comparison between local minimum and local minima.
week 1
@farhana_hossain ‘minima’ of course, is plural, meaning there is more then one. Minimum (or typically we talk about a ‘global minimum’) means the lowest point of all.
You can try to imagine a mountain range, where between mountains, you will have valleys, likely many of them-- These would be your ‘minima’.
Yet one of these valleys would be deepest of them all-- This is your ‘minimum’.
… Or… Just reading the way you phrased your question again: local minimum (one, of many minima-- plus since it is local, it means it is the lowest point in the region under study).
Same concept, but:
If you have a convex cost function, then there is only one minimum, and you would use the singular form.