On Lab 3 when I tried the step on 4.1 - Structured Data, where we attempt to query the data from the bucket.
I get: ClientError: An error occurred (MethodNotAllowed) when calling the SelectObjectContent operation: The specified method is not allowed against this resource
This is the snippet of code I tried to execute:
file_s3_key = 'csv/ratings_ml_training_dataset.csv'
kwargs = {'ExpressionType': 'SQL',
'Expression': """SELECT * FROM s3object AS s WHERE s.\"productline\" = 'Trains' LIMIT 20""",
'InputSerialization': {'CSV': {"FileHeaderInfo": "Use"}, 'CompressionType': 'NONE'},
'OutputSerialization': {'CSV': {}},
response = s3_select_object_content(bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME, object_key=file_s3_key, **kwargs)
Hello @valantis , The main takeways from this lab are using the client to:
Create buckets
Upload files (csv,images etc)
Changing bucket policies
Deleting buckets
You can do all the above through the console if you search s3 and choose your bucket (will also do some in this weeks last lab).
I get the same issue in step 4.1 and looks like permissions for that part but if you skip those two cells you should be able to finish.Thanks and sorry for your trouble. You can always run this lab later and hopefully it is should be fixed!
Thank you very much for your quick response!
Also, thank you for confirming this because I spent some time trying to figure out if I messed up something.
You are welcome, I tried this lab myself and I don’t remember encountering this before (during test period). Hopefully you will finish this weeks labs without any issues but feel free to post anything. Thank you
Thank you. It looks like the permission was changed at AWS’s end, and they don’t post any alternative solution for new users.
link:docs.aws.amazon.com > AmazonS3>latest>API>ErrorResponses.html: #SelectObjectContentErrorCodeList
“Amazon S3 Select is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of Amazon S3 Select can continue to use the feature as usual.”