Module 1 Assignment - Error in Exercise 3: Book Request

I am getting error in Module 1 Assignment in Exercise 3: Book request.
Error is:
Failed test case: Unable to detect a print statement with a multi-line f-string.
Grader expected: a print statement with a multi-line f-string
You got: no valid print statement with a multi-line f-string

I have used f"“” and closed with “”" within print() command. My output exactly matches the expected output. Please can you help me? I dont know why the error is coming up.


Don’t use “”" within a print().

Just use "

Thanks for the response. That did not solve the issue, I am still getting the same error. The exercise clearly says that Print the message using multi-line f-string. Also the error says
Failed test case: Unable to detect a print statement with a multi-line f-string.
Grader expected: a print statement with a multi-line f-string
You got: no valid print statement with a multi-line f-string

I recommend you use the forum Search tool for the phrase “f-string”. There have been some other discussions about this.

Hi @Seerat_Vedvyas,

I’m going to send you a direct message regarding this.

I am unable to find course chatbot, Can you direct me to show how can I access it please?

Hi @singhpotenzer,

Please go through the lecture video called “navigating the platform” in the first module to get yourself aquatinted with the platform.


Seerat was able to get the desired grade.

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