Module-2 How do i make my code pass the test it's correct but doesn't pass it?

Link to the classroom item: [Programming Assignment: Book Tracker]

I’m in Exercise 2
I tired all possible combination of outputs and in all of them my code give me the correct solution but the test still shows
Failed test case: Unable to detect valid if statement that checks if the book is on_shelf and is not on_hold.
Grader expected: a valid if statement that checks if the book is on_shelf and is not on_hold
You got: None

please don’t post codes or links to assignment on public post thread. it is against community guidelines.

You can DM screenshot of the code for which you failed the test results.

Thank you for replaying, Can you explain more What do you mean by i can DM screenshot you mean direct message ? and for who exactly

yes personal message. click on my name and then message. and screenshot means capturing the part of section (grade cell) where you wrote codes.