The assignment_part_1/ is asserting for fixed code to generate value 43
n,seed, expected = 30,10,43
However, the original python 2.7 code generates result 50…
(python27) jovyan@59a1a9a3f958:~/work/assignment_part_1$ python --version
Python 2.7.15
(python27) jovyan@59a1a9a3f958:~/work/assignment_part_1$ python 30 10
Magic summation is equal to: 50.
(python27) jovyan@59a1a9a3f958:~/work/assignment_part_1$ cd backup_data/
(python27) jovyan@59a1a9a3f958:~/work/assignment_part_1/backup_data$ python 30 10
Magic summation is equal to: 50.
(python27) jovyan@59a1a9a3f958:~/work/assignment_part_1/backup_data$
Are we expected to fix the code to match the unittest’s random value of 43, or should we maintain the original function prior to upgrade (returns 50)