Need Help in Submitting Assignment

Error in submitting Programming Assignment. Need help in submitting the assignment.

hello @HaziqZia, which assignment it is? what kind of error? remember to run all the cells in order, and only fill the spaces of code that are asked, if you alter the code cell could be no admitted.

Please post a screen capture image that shows the error message.

Yeah I am gong to try that out now.

Will post again if the issue persists.

There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook, please check that you saved before submitting. Details:
No module named ‘test_your_code’

This is the error

C1M1_Assignment is the assignment.

A couple of possible causes:

  • Did you rename your notebook?
  • Did you add or delete any cells from the notebook?
  • Did you add any “import” statements to any of the cells?

No, I don’t think I have deleted any cell or renamed the textbook.

Can you help me in restarting the assignment from scratch.

@TMosh thinking back I added an import statement at the beginning of the first exercise. But I removed it afterwards, saved the document and then submitted it again. It still didn’t work.

I recommend you start over with a new notebook file.

Use the File->Open menu, and delete your current notebook file.
When you click the checkbox next to the file name, a “trash can” icon will appear in the menu. Click on it.

Then use the “Lab Help” menu, and use “Get latest version”. That’s the menu with a question-mark inside a circle.

Then go back to File->Open, and double-click on the new notebook file.

Then use “Kernel->Restart & Clear Output”, so you have a new workspace.

Now you can start over.

Tip: Every time you open a notebook, you must run all of the ells starting from the top. This is where the assets are imported and the workspace is defined.

Do not add any code that the instructions do not mention.

hey there, my quiz is not loading. what do i do?

@Tinisha, this is a much different issue, please start a new thread for your question.

Hi @HaziqZia,

Please follow the instructions Tom has shared.

It is possible that you left behind code in cells which you weren’t supposed to.

After following the instructions and attempting the assignment again from scratch, if you come across this issue again, let me know.
