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def one_hot_matrix_test(target):
label = tf.constant(1)
depth = 4
result = target(label, depth)
print(“Test 1:”,result)
assert result.shape[0] == depth, “Use the parameter depth”
assert np.allclose(result, [0., 1. ,0., 0.] ), “Wrong output. Use tf.one_hot”
label_2 = [2]
result = target(label_2, depth)
print(“Test 2:”, result)
assert result.shape[0] == depth, “Use the parameter depth”
assert np.allclose(result, [0., 0. ,1., 0.] ), “Wrong output. Use tf.reshape as instructed”
print("\033[92mAll test passed")
what will be the value of one_hot?? i tried things but didnt work