I have a project in which I will use computer vision and deeb Learning to create a model that recognizes body movements correctly or incorrectly during gym training and physical therapy, and I don’t know how to collect data or do anything. I need help.
If you don’t know how to do anything, then you need to learn some basics of deep learning and computer vision; there are some very good specializations here for that.
Now, here, in your case, it’s a complex example because it involves video as your data, and you might probably need to split that into a series of continuous frames, but it is complex to achieve. Your data are the videos of movements in the gym or therapy or, better say, the frames of those videos!
but the problem is not in the code, the problem is in the dataset.
@YF-ZG how do you know/feel the problem is in the dataset ? And if so what is that problem ? Obviously if you have data that doesn’t cohere, you will have issues going anywhere from the outside.
Be more specific about what you see are the issues.
I take the issue to be:
- How does one find or create a suitable dataset for this task?
To which I have no useful answer.