All my outputs match the expected output and none are flagged as incorrect, but the automated grader says there are two incorrect cells. It doesn’t say what cells (
All outputs I looked at match the expected output. The word “incorrect” does not appear.
[ValidateApp | INFO] Validating ‘/home/jovyan/work/submitted/courseraLearner/W3A1/Planar_data_classification_with_one_hidden_layer.ipynb’ [ValidateApp | INFO] Executing notebook with kernel: python3 Tests failed on 3 cell(s)! These tests could be hidden. Please check your submission.
It looks like I have not missed anything and the ungraded cells appear unchanged. I suppose we could reset the workbook to original state and start over. i tried to do that before and the procedure provided did not work - nothing happened.
OK I reset the notebook and pasted my code back in, taking care to avoid anything I wasn’t supposed to edit. It runs with all tests passed but still only gets a score of 63/100 (same grader output)
Don’t paste the code from old code. Try writing the code from scratch. Unfortunately I can not help you with the code because of Coursera Honor Code. Try Direct Messaging one of the Mentors from this forum.
@phoenix-anna if you can share a snippit of your code and the autograder output of the exercise, the coaches might be able to give you a hint, or if there is an error in the grader, can help you refer to the Coursera Help Center.
I had hardcoded a couple of values and that is what was triggering the autograder. The defect in the autograder was only that it would not identify where my code was misbehaving - it only said there were three bad cells.
Once I fixed the hard-coded values, the submission passed.