New to AI and i Want to join AI/ML Projects to gain some Experience

Hello there, I am Shyam and i am an AI/ML enthusiast, just started learning AI,ML,DL and stuff, i want to join an AI/ML project to learn and explore more
If anyone can give me a chance, please text me back…
Thank you.

I’m Muhammad Zaman, passionate about AI/ML and eager to delve deeper into ML, AI, and DL. I’m seeking opportunities to contribute to ML/AI projects, eager to learn and grow. If there’s a chance to collaborate or join a project, please reach out. Thank you!

@shyam18 Hi! There’s a cool project we’re working on. If you want to work on a project, you’re welcome here. Here’s my contact:

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Hi I too am interested in connecting to participate in the development.

Hello I am saketh and i am intrested in working in this field .previously i worked on prediction of hepatitis disease using Machine Learning .And looking forward to collabarate with you all and help you in the project

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Hey, My name is Brian and I would also like to join in any Ai/ML Projects for experience.

I like to join though i am new in AI.

Hi All,

My name is Thuy Nguyen and I am new to ML/AI too. I am really interested in participating ML/AI projects.

Sure, i would love to work together, contact me if you have any ideas

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I’m a newbie to GenAI as well and very much interested in collaborating on a project, it would be great to connect and brainstorm/discuss certain projects that could be completed using LLM’s.