- #Week2 NLP with Sequence Models
I run test case and it was successful, then I submitted my notebook and I got these errors
Anyone encountered these errors? please help me. thank you so much
I run test case and it was successful, then I submitted my notebook and I got these errors
Anyone encountered these errors? please help me. thank you so much
Perhaps in this case I would advise to reset the Lab and refill the code in the new copy, but dont forget to save somewhere your current work.
You might have deleted something you are not supposed to…
The missing colon character could be anywhere in the notebook, not necessarily in those specific functions. When something in the notebook breaks the grader, it tends to throw the same error message for every test.
Hence, a new copy of the notebook might fix it. Be very careful you don’t make any extra modifications.
Hi @pltn29
Seeing your submission grader, i feel you are using an obsolete copy of assignment. Kindly get a fresh updated version of assignment and re-do your assignment.
Link to get a fresh copy, follow below link comment
hi @Deepti_Prasad, i have followed the instruction to get the latest notebook version and redo my assignment, i also have not made any extra modifications but still encountered the same issues.
actually I somehow remember in the masked accuracy, check while we recalled the pred labels there is a loop statement, there should a : is it there in your assignment.
@pltn29 you are suppose to write codes only between the assigned markers ###START AND END CODE HERE### also do not change any given instructions already at the beginning of the assignment.
Send screenshot of codes by DM in case you are not getting.
usually : would be used in if statement, or for statement or iterative steps
ok @pltn29
check after Grade function statement in every grade cell, you find a def statement with grade cell name.
like def masked_accuracy(ypred, true): here check in any of grade cell if this is missing
send masked accuracy codes in personal DM not here
I seem to have the same error as reported before. The masked accuracy works in the test example and fails in the test.
The error seems to appear by using tf.equal and y_pred and y_true seems to have a different shape?! Any idea what I could do wrong? And why do I not get any points for the other successful tasks? Thanks for your help!
as you are posting first time, please create a new topic for issue rather commenting on older threads. When you create the post, just share a screenshot of your failed test with posting any screenshot of grade cell codes as it is against community guidelines.
You can tag me in that post using @mention my name Deepti_Prasad