Passed on C2_W3 tests, but received 85 points

I finished C2_W3 assignment, and in the notebook, I did pass the unit tests successfully. However, I get 85 points in the grading process in the “update_parameters” and “nn_model” sections. I also noticed the expected output of the grader and my actual code output have a negligible difference, as in the figure below.

Hi @ParetoFront!

Can you please have a look on how you’re initializing the parameters? Are you using np.random.randn function?


Dear Lucas, thank you very much for responding!

I just checked, and yes. I am using np.random.randn function for my initialize_parameters function.

Update: I was using W1 -= (learning_rate * dW1) for my update_parameters function, and I changed it to W1 = W1 - (learning_rate * dW1). I got 95 scores afterward, and the issue with the update_parameters was solved. The only issue is with the nn_model module.