Plotting the decision boundary

i have problem in running #18 cell in final lab and the problem is bellow picture

i have also see run the shape in exercise 3 in compute gradient function and Result is like this:

i don’t know where the problem is and i stuck in this part

could you help me?

Hi @Ali_Hatefi
Welcome to the community!

The error say that you had converted the first dimension of the shape of X , and y variable so, Make sure that you passed all test cases before this cell

plot_decision_boundary(w, b, X_train, y_train)

And also make sure that you hadn’t changed the values of X , and Y


Thanks for answering

I have passed all test cases successfully and other test cases Also and i have not changed X, and Y
and also i can’t even change it.

I really need to solve this problem

Do you have any idea?

Hello @Ali_Hatefi,

I would like to look at the whole error traceback, but it was truncated in your screenshot. Would you click on the area as illustrated to expand the whole error traceback and share another screenshot?



The most likely reason that plot would throw an error would be if your values for ‘w’ or ‘b’ are either incorrect, or are the wrong shape.

What values did you get for the iterations and cost when you ran the previous cell - the one that calls gradient_descent()?