def augmented_to_ref(A, b):
stack horizontally matrix A and vector b, which needs to be reshaped as a vector (4, 1)
A_system = np.hstack((A, b.reshape(4, 1)))
swap row 0 and row 1 of matrix A_system (remember that indexing in NumPy array starts from 0)
A_ref[[0, 1]] = A_ref[[1, 0]] # first problem
multiply row 0 of the new matrix A_ref by -2 and add it to the row 1
A_ref[0] = A_ref[0] * -2 + A_ref[1] # second problem
first problem – How we can make assignment and “A_ref” is not defined in the function
second problem – where to store the result of the operation of the comment of second problem above