Possible issue with video quizzes in "*Optimization with gradients: An example*" video

I believe both video quizzes have an error in their answer. For example, see the image below:

  • I understand once the derivative is taken, the 85 will disappear. However here it takes out the 85 when they expand the formula (before taking the derivative). This might be a little confusing to people who are new to derivatives.

  • Taking the derivative of the expanded form does not match the correct answer. (no options for the answer are correct)

  • The “correct answer” from the quiz doesn’t match the answer that the instructor gives after the quiz.

  • This is also the case for the second quiz question as well.

Has anyone else noticed this or if I’m wrong, can someone explain it to me?

Hi @Shawn_Mailo

You are correct, there was an error in both quizzes. I have fixed them properly.
