All tests are passing in Jupyter notebook but the grader grades me 0. This is the error i keep on getting:
the error “EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal” means the parser reached the end of the file (EOF) when trying to read a string that started with a triple-quote.
It sounds like there’s probably some accidental typo in the #UNQ_C2 cell. Look specifically for an un-intended triple quote with no corresponding closing quote.
If you don’t see anything obvious, I’d suggest first trying to run all the cells again in order in the Jupyter notebook to see if the error shows up there now. It’s possible that typo slipped in at some point after you originally ran the code successfully in the Jupyter notebook.
If it’s still a mystery, I’d suggest trying just completely removing all of your code for that cell and re-writing it from scratch. For reference, here’s what the cell looks like before any edits:
# UNQ_C2
# GRADED CELL: Sequential model
tf.random.set_seed(1234) # for consistent results
model = Sequential(
], name = "my_model"
For example, the following code will trigger such error, because there is no ending triple-quote:
text = """this text is supposed to be wrapped by a PAIR of triple-quote.
However, the following code will run fine:
text = """this text is supposed to be wrapped by a PAIR of triple-quote."""
I would follow Wendy’s recommendation and start from scratch again to examine everything I add to the exercise.