Problem with understanding tl.Serial

I have one problem with understanding tl.Serial and how LSTM and Dense layers are connected. This is regarding C3W3 Assignment. I had the same question for Week 2 with GRU but I thought it would be explained later on. In the code part we see:

model = tl.Serial(
tl.Embedding(vocab_size, d_model), # Embedding layer
tl.LSTM(d_model), # LSTM layer
tl.Dense(len(tags)), # Dense layer with len(tags) units
tl.LogSoftmax() # LogSoftmax layer

Where we chain LSTM later with dense layer. Since there are 3 outputs per one LSTM cell, hidden state c, h and y, when we connect Dense Layer which one of these are fed in the network? I think the y output is hidden to Dense Layer. So LSTM predicts whether there is a named entity in the sentence and then Dense with LogSoftmax figures out which named entity it is. Did I get it correctly or am I terribly wrong?

The default value of return_state parameter to LSTM is False. As a result, only the output is returned.

So only the output is returned and then those outputs (y’s of each LSTM cell) are fed into Dense layer right? Kind of like on this picture:

Sorry for bad drawing, I just want to make sure I understand it exactly the way it is.

Please see this thread to understand the difference between an LSTM cell and an LSTM layer. That should help revise the picture.